Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Finished my contribution to Ink For Aid last night - an auction of art and illustration to raise money for Japan. They're still after artwork to auction - search for them on Facebook or email inkforaid@gmail.com if you're interested. I'll post auction dates when they're announced.

Japanese Knotweed - carbon paper + origami paper

nowt to add

sneaky peek

Next Nazdrove flyer... Bad Brains go to Russia... should be done soon

Bits and pieces

Chair recovered with shopping bag. Would have done it with all my chairs if it wasn't for the Morrison's logo.

A squid cake. Some tentacles lost on the walk to my friend's house. This contains so much sugar I felt sick for about 3 days after.

Playing at tattoos.
Ambulance supplies catalogue collage... let my friend count off the hours left of his student paramedic placement.


I've carved a few spoons over the years, but tend to be held back but having the wrong tools. These two are carved with a chisel and are unfinished until I can find a spoon gouge.

The smaller is carved out of birch I got from a woodpile in Finland. The larger one I can't remember...

This was the carnage left on my desk....

Virgin Maryness

A birthday present I made for a friend. The image is cut from a postcard I found in a bin in Barcelona. Made a frame out of cardboard then went wild with glue, glitter and sequins. Glueing sequins down with tweezers is very soothing.